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Bel Marra Liver Rescue, 60 Capsules

Bel Marra Liver Rescue, 60 Capsules

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Bel Marra Liver Rescue, 60 Capsules

Bel Marra Liver Rescue, 60 Capsules

:by Bel Marra Health

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Bel Marra Liver Rescue Details

Help support and protect liver function with Bel Marra Liver Rescue!

The liver is responsible for many different functions in your body including removing toxins, breaking down drugs, maintaining blood pressure, 'balancing' your blood, helping digest food and much more. It is the main organ that destroys toxins from the blood that enter your body. Your body is constantly exposed to toxins (air pollution, pesticides, alcohol and other chemicals) that over time put stress on, and cause damage to the liver.  
As toxins move throughout your body they negatively affect your entire body when the liver isn't working to its full potential. Take action now and help your liver perform to its fullest with Liver Rescue!

Bel Marra Liver Rescue Health Benefits:

  • Helps body remove toxins
  • Fights fatty liver development
  • Provides ingredients currently used by clinicians to treat potentially lethal toxicity
  • Supports healthy liver function
  • Promotes bile release


A Note from Victor Marchione, M.D.

Dear Friend,

If you take cholesterol-lowering drugs, pain pills, over-the-counter digestive aids or some herbal remedies, you’re trying to do right by your health, and I congratulate you.

But if you’re taking a bunch of pills and still suffering, there’s something you must know: All these treatments could be the reason!

The latest research shows they might be draining away your good health and energy. How? It’s one of the biggest ironies in medicine. The very prescription and over-the-counter pills you take to get healthier are hurting your liver.

And if you’ve never given this three pound organ much thought, there’s something you must know:

When Your Liver’s Healthy, So Are You!

A healthy liver keeps you nourished, energized, strong, active, and toxin-free. You feel better and more youthful for years to come. As I tell my patients, the liver is a priceless gift!

Yet the liver is the most underappreciated and forgotten organ in the body— even by doctors. Your doctor usually won’t talk about your liver until problems begin. But the latest research shows that when you’re suffering from health issues, your liver is usually part of the trouble. That’s because...

Your Liver is the ‘Missing Link’ to Feeling Younger and Stronger!

  • Purifies your blood of dangerous toxins: Breaks down harmful or toxic substances from food, air, water—or anything else you come in contact with. Without your liver, these toxins would keep moving around in your bloodstream and make you sick in a matter of hours.
  • Digests fats by making bile: This yellowish fluid “emulsifies” or breaks down fats. It works just like dish washing liquid breaks down the grease from your dinner dishes. Bile is what enables you to enjoy a heavy meal without suffering digestive woes later.
  • Regulates your cholesterol levels: Rids your body of excess cholesterol naturally so your levels of bad “LDL” cholesterol and triglycerides don’t shoot through the roof. Your arteries remain clear and clog free.
  • Regulates your blood sugar levels: Stores the right amount of sugar so you don’t suffer from blood sugar that’s too high or too low—and experience a mid-morning energy “crash.”
  • Energizes your body by releasing sugar and fat molecules—your two main sources of fuel. Your liver is how you can make it through your busy day and still have energy left to enjoy your night.
  • Promotes healthy hormone balance by putting triglycerides to work. Fatty triglycerides are what your body uses to make testosterone and estrogen in proper amounts. Yes, your liver is at the source of fueling your sex drive so you feel vigorous, happy and healthy.
  • Boosts your immune system: Stores lymphocytes and natural “killer” cells to protect you against dangerous invaders.
  • Heals wounds: Makes “clotting factors” to stop excessive bleeding so your body can start repairing itself right away no matter the injury.
  • Nourishes your body: Your liver, not your stomach, feeds your body. It collects nutrients from your food, drink and supplements. Then, it processes them and distributes them to your organs and cells so you stay wonderfully healthy from head to toe.

YOUR INCREDIBLE LIVER! For goodness' sake, take care of it!

Did you know your three pound liver is the second largest organ in your body (your skin - yes, your skin - is the first!)

Your liver performs more than 500 critical biological functions... makes more than 13,000 beneficial chemicals and hormones... manages more than 50,000 enzymes and compounds that you need for great health... processes everything you eat and drink - including medication and supplements... AND purifies your blood of dangerous toxins.

Support your "unsung hero" and your entire body can run more efficiently to make you stronger, healthier and more energetic!

And much, much more.

On the other hand, a tired liver can leave you feeling old, tired and weak long before your time...

But unlike your joints, which shout out loud by aching, burning or creaking, your liver suffers in near silence.

To make matters worse, the few signs that your liver is tired and overburdened are easy to confuse with the common signs of aging.

For instance, you could experience:

  • Low energy
  • Indigestion, bloating, constipation, gas or diarrhea
  • Foggy thinking
  • Weight gain
  • Stiff, aching, weak muscles — especially in your low back  and shoulders
  • Worries over cholesterol
  • Concerns about blood sugar

But it’s only the beginning. You can ALSO suffer from:

  • Poor sleep
  • Easy bruising
  • Brittle bones
  • Fluid retention
  • Kidney problems
  • Slow wound healing
  • And much more...

If you’re suffering from even one of these symptoms your liver could be crying out for help!

But I’ve got some great news!

I’ve found that when my patients stop treating the symptoms and start supporting their livers naturally, health concerns can and do improve.

Suddenly, men and women who thought they had to “live with” the problems of “aging” are discovering what it’s like to look and feel younger, enjoy more energy, have a clear memory and a fit, strong body from head to toe.

If You’re Suffering from “Hard To Tackle” Health Concerns Here’s Real Help...

I know first hand how difficult life can be when you’re not feeling your best. I’ve seen the uncomfortable side effects of prescription and over-the-counter drugs—which often happen because synthetic drugs deplete your liver!

I’ve also seen patients using natural remedies while failing to support the liver. They’re not enjoying complete relief from their health problems either.

That’s why I developed my Liver Rescue formula. I’ve found natural solutions grounded in science are the best ways to nourish, protect and detoxify the liver—boost its function and boost your health.

To put it simply, your liver is the MISSING LINK to a radiant, more youthful body...

When your liver is functioning well, you can finally:

  • maintain healthy cholesterol
  • promote healthy weight loss
  • maintain balanced blood sugar levels
  • relieve occasional gas, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation
  • experience higher energy—no more morning or afternoon “crashes”
  • enjoy better-feeling muscles
  • support a sharp memory
  • discover clearer, younger-looking skin

Let me show you how you can improve your health by supporting your liver naturally. Let’s start with the one liver-nourishing ingredient I rely on more than any other to help my patients who are struggling with persistent health concerns.

Renews your liver at the cellular level!

This natural ingredient has the power to kick-start healthy liver functioning—and energize good health—by renewing your liver all the way down to the cellular level. It’s called silymarin.

What is silymarin? It’s a powerful bioflavonoid antioxidant from a plant called Milk Thistle. This incredible plant has a long history of medicinal use, going all the way back to biblical times. More important, it’s supported by years of modern medical research...

40 Years of Research Confirms Natural Ingredient’s Liver-Renewing Power!

Centuries ago, folks considered Milk Thistle an extremely valuable source of nutrients. In fact, the plant’s spiked green leaves were said to have been touched by the milk of the Virgin Mary, giving the leaves the white veins they have today—and the plant’s name! It’s also called “Mary Thistle.”

In ancient Greece, people gobbled up the plant’s edible thistles to stimulate their digestion and protect their good health. Even kings and queens believed the plant so protective they added it to their family crests and emblems.

And over the last couple hundred years, doctors across Europe have used Milk Thistle as a “liver tonic” to improve people’s energy levels, support healthy metabolism, boost immune systems and improve a variety of chronic health complaints.

This remarkable plant was long forgotten by mainstream medicine until recently...

Despite thousands of years of supercharging people’s health in incredible ways, Milk Thistle has been ignored by mainstream medicine simply because it’s made by nature instead of a drug company. What a tragedy!

The latest research from places such as the Mayo Clinic shows that unlike synthetic chemical drugs riddled with side effects, the Milk Thistle plant is safe and free of harsh side effects. In fact, it’s key component silymarin works with your body to renew an overburdened liver.

Mayo Clinic researchers: “significant improvement!”

In 2008 scientists at the prestigious Mayo Clinic put silymarin to the test in patients with chronically inflamed, damaged livers. These people’s livers had been so overwhelmed by poor diet, alcohol or toxins that they were struggling to function. And the results were nothing short of amazing...

Scientists found that patients who took silymarin enjoyed a “significant improvement” in liver function. And that means better overall health!

Feeling Tired or Could it Just be a Toxic Liver?

Maybe you've noticed you're feeling sluggish and fatigued. Even your thinking may be cloudy. It could be age, but these are also signs of a toxic liver. In Eastern Medicine, the liver has long been called the organ that "ages" us. Now you can support your liver and fuel higher energy and a clearer mind.

But before you start taking Milk Thistle, there’s something you should know...

To achieve these benefits, you must take the silymarin extract in the right amount and formulation. You can go down to your corner drugstore and get an ordinary Milk Thistle supplement. But I wouldn’t advise it...

Because chances are, you’re wasting your money. Many forms in supplements today come from poorly documented Milk Thistle sources. Plus, they go through an extraction process that can use harmful solvents.

As a result, any silymarin produced that way is low-quality—you can absorb as little as 10 percent! Talk about throwing away your hard-earned money!

That’s why I formulated Liver Rescue to contain pure silymarin in a standardized 200mg dose—the same amount used in clinical research.

What’s more, it’s specially formulated for easy absorption. This is vitally important since some people find silymarin hard for their bodies to absorb. It’s why Liver Rescue’s special “biosynergistic” formulation contains choline. Research suggests that when you add choline, your liver cells soak up silymarin like dry soil soaking up needed rain!

5 MORE Natural Secrets to Detoxify and Soothe Your Liver

#1 The Natural Inflammation Fighter

Turmeric Root Extract is probably the best natural inflammation fighting herb in Mother Nature! It hasbeen used for centuries to ease inflammation in muscles and joints, the digestive tract, the heart and especially the liver.

What makes turmeric root so special is its ability to protect against excess fat build up— a source of dangerous inflammation for your liver. A study of rabbits that ate a high-fat diet showed “significantly” less fat “build-up” in their livers and arteries!

Besides healthier arteries and a better functioning liver, you might find your digestion improves too. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study found it relieved people’s indigestion in just seven days.

#2 The Chinese Liver "Filtering" Herb

Dandelion Root has been used for generations to support the liver, improve digestion and even boost your natural defenses. One reason is because it contains powerful antioxidant “tannins.” These natural compounds are shown in research to cleanse the liver of built up toxins. But it’s only the beginning...

Dandelion root also supports healthy potassium levels which promotes balanced blood pressure and blood sugar. It’s also great for your muscles— potassium is your #1 protection against painful muscle cramps so your limbs feel better, even after a long day’s work.

Liver Rescue gives you silymarin and choline plus all five natural secrets in just two capsules!

Liver Rescue solves another common problem with ordinary liver "cleanses": I was unable to find one single supplement or formula to provide your liver with the comprehensive nutritional support that can make a real difference in liver healther. So I made sure this new formula covers all of the bases. FInally, you can enjoy maximum liver support and you can look and feel better than you have in years.

Liver Rescue gives you everything you need in the right amounts to nourish and protect your liver. As well as detoxify this vital organ from the thousands of chemicals, prescription and over-the-counter drugs and other stressors that you've been exposed to every single day of your life.

#3 The Bile Booster

Artichoke Leaf is one of the oldest natural health secrets in existence. It was used widely throughout ancient Egypt to support better digestion. Now we know why...

Artichoke leaf boosts your liver’s production of bile. Bile is the natural compound that’s crucial to digest and use fats so they don’t build up around your liver or in other places in your body. A randomized, placebo-controlled study showed bile increased up to 127.3 percent after just 30 minutes.

For you that means better processing of fats which promotes balanced cholesterol. Not to mention easy digestion—no more constipation, gas or bloating after rich, fatty meals.

#4 Nature's Best Toxin Neutralizer

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) is the remarkable “universal antioxidant.” Unlike ordinary antioxidants, ALA breathes new life into old antioxidant vitamins circulating in your bloodstream. It works by supporting glutathione—your body’s own nutrient recycler!

Research shows ALA works so well it helps neutralize toxins from over-the-counter and prescription drugs before they can damage your liver.

What’s more, studies also show ALA supports healthy nerve function. This is crucial for maximum muscle strength and control— a benefit whether you’re walking, driving or simply trying to open a jar of pickles!

#5 The Circulation Supporter

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is an incredible amino acid. It works as a potent “vasodilator” of the liver. That means it increases healthy blood flow to your liver. And the more blood your liver receives then the more nourishment it receives.

Studies suggest NAC may help save liver cells from “chemical death.” According to research in the journal Clinical Therapy it might stop liver damage from over-the-counter painkillers such as acetaminophen!

As Your Liver Starts Working More Efficiently, You’ll Notice Big Changes in Your Health...

A weak liver makes it hard for your body to properly process cholesterol. That’s why high cholesterol and triglycerides are often one of the early signs of poor liver function. Liver Rescue provides the support your liver needs to boost your ability to maintain lower cholesterol and triglycerides naturally.

Maintain lower cholesterol!

Researchers have concluded that a powerful ingredient in Liver Rescue helps liver function—especially when it comes to processing cholesterol. Their studies indicate silymarin can help you maintain lower cholesterol by supporting liver function with antioxidant and membrane stabilizing effects. And that’s not all...

Maintain lower triglycerides!

The research also noted silymarin extract’s significant ability to support the liver to maintain healthy triglyceride levels. And here’s the best part: research suggests it works even when you occasionally “cheat” on your healthy diet and indulge in high-cholesterol foods such as steak, eggs or fatty desserts!

And no harsh side effects!

If you’ve taken cholesterol drugs or natural remedies for years, you know they can be riddled with side effects such as fatigue and muscle weakness. That’s because they block healthy bile flow which your liver needs to digest fats and vitamins D, E and A.

Plus, they also block crucial CoQ10. The nutrient that’s the foundation for cells to make 95 percent of the energy they need to function. That’s a high price to pay for healthy cholesterol!

But silymarin supports healthy cholesterol while promoting proper bile flow. And it does it all without damaging CoQ10 production. Your only “side effects?” A healthier liver, better digestion and better health!

It’s true. You’re even likely to notice a surge in your energy levels as you support balanced blood sugar.

Promotes balanced blood sugar

Hard-to-control blood sugar can leave you feeling miserable. It’s bad for your heart and arteries. And blood sugar that’s too low can send you into an energy crash.

Sadly, most prescription drugs or natural remedies focus only on getting rid of excess blood sugar and completely ignore your liver!

You see, when you eat a meal, it’s your liver that stores the sugar (glucose) to use later when your body needs it. When you’re not eating, your liver releases glucose into your bloodstream as you need it. An overburdened liver can absorb too much sugar or release too much into your bloodstream, with dangerous results.

The ingredients in Liver Rescue nourish your liver and support healthy blood sugar control naturally. Just look at the research...

A one-year study published in the Journal of Hepatology found that silymarin—the key ingredient in Liver Rescue—helps maintain balanced blood sugar levels.

If you suffer from hard-to-control blood sugar or high cholesterol, silymarin can help kick-start your liver function. This can make it easier for you to maintain healthy blood levels of sugar and cholesterol. You can feel your best every day so nothing gets in the way of your favorite activities!

When you start nourishing, protecting and detoxifying your liver properly, you’ll experience many more amazing changes in your health. You might:

  • Promote Razor-Sharp Memory and Concentration! Your foggy thinking and poor mental focus might be rooted in a tired liver. Besides purifying your blood of more than 10,000 chemicals, your liver must process your body’s own body-chemistry wastes. One of them is ammonia, an extremely toxic by-product of protein metabolism. Scientists have linked ammonia to brain irritation and poor memory function.
  • Make It Easier to Lose Weight! You can diet constantly, but when your liver is stressed, strained or damaged it can’t process the fat circulating in your bloodstream— even the good fat! What happens to the fat? It gets deposited in your organs and beneath your skin in your hips, belly, thighs or elsewhere. No matter how healthy you’re eating, it’s crucial that you support your liver if you want to lose weight.
  • Support a Healthy Immune System! Your liver produces vital “immune factors” that fight viruses, germs and bacteria. These immune cells include the B and T lymphocytes and “natural killer” cells. By nourishing and protecting your liver, you promote your first line of natural defenses.
  • Experience Younger, Healthier-Looking Skin! Dry, itchy skin, rashes and acne can all be due to an overworked liver. The National Skin Care Institute warns that if your liver can’t process the toxins circulating in your bloodstream, they move into your skin, causing itchy rashes and unsightly spots and blemishes. Besides helping purify your blood of problem-causing toxins, a healthier liver promotes better nutrient absorption. Suddenly you get more antioxidants to keep your skin looking young and glowing!
  • Enjoy Better-Feeling, More Flexible Muscles! Because your liver is beneath your rib cage, a poorly functioning liver can cause muscle pain—especially in your lower back or your shoulders. Support your liver and you can wipe away years of discomfort and get back to your favorite activities.
  • Boost Your Energy Level! Your liver processes nutrients and controls the release of blood sugar and fat molecules—your two main sources of energy. Boost your liver function and you boost—and maintain—a healthy energy level.

7 Secrets of Liver Health

  1. Lose weight safely! (Usually no more than one or two pounds a week.)
  2. Lower your triglycerides.
  3. If you drink alcohol, only drink in moderation.
  4. Control high blood sugar, if you have it.
  5. Eat a balanced, healthy diet rich in lean meats, fruits and vegetables.
  6. Increase your physical activity.
  7. Take Liver Rescue to nourish, protect and detoxify your liver!

Guaranteed potency and“biosynergistic” formulation for maximum absorption!

Liver Rescue gives you seven of the world’s best natural alternatives to support your liver. Each one is grounded in medical science, to nourish, protect and detoxify your liver to revitalize your health.

They’re even more crucial for maintaining good health today, with our poor modern diet and our toxic world.

And unlike ordinary liver supplements or cleansers, Liver Rescue provides these amazing natural ingredients in amounts that scientists have shown successful in research. You’ll get:

  • Clinically Tested Ingredients: A guaranteed 200mg of pure silymarin from the Milk Thistle seed—the same dose used successfully in clinical research.
  • Easy To Absorb Formulation: A special “biosynergistic” formulation contains the key nutrient choline that can help increase your silymarin absorption for maximum results.
  • Comprehensive Liver Support: Each of the seven ingredients is hand picked to work together. They provide support for your liver starting at the cellular level to naturally boost liver function.
  • Safe and Well Tolerated: Research shows these seven ingredients work with your body and are safe and free of harsh side effects.

Reverse Decades of Damage from Diet, Alcohol, Medication and Toxins...

They say there are no “do-overs” in life. And usually, they’re right. But not when it comes to your liver...

Because even if you’ve spent decades enjoying the convenience of “drive-thru” fast food ... drinking your favorite wine, beer or alcohol more than occasionally... being overexposed to environmental toxins... or taking liver-thrashing prescription or over-the-counter drugs, now you can discover what it feels like to renew your liver and experience revitalized health.

Imagine watching your energy soar... your gas, bloating or constipation relieved ... your cholesterol and blood sugar maintained at healthy levels... your skin more youthful looking... while many other of your worst common health problems improve—and maybe even vanish completely!

That’s what I see happen for many of my patients when they stop treating symptoms and start attacking the cause— an overworked and undernourished liver.

Your liver is under siege virtually every minute of every day!

With Liver Rescue you'll give your liver the helping hand it needs to do all the things your body depends on for your excellent health:.

  • Protects Against Alcohol Damage! Studies suggest silymarin - the key ingredient in Liver Rescue reduces the toxicity of some of life's guilty pleasures, such as slcohol. One laboratory study showed silymarin protects against alcohol damage to the liver by reducing the effects of free radicals.18
  • Protects Against Damage from a Fatty Diet! Studies show similar success in protecting the liver against dangerous fat build-up from a high-fat diet.19
  • Protects Against Drug Damage - Even from Pain Pills! In a review of 64 research studies, Carmen Tamayo, MD, reports that Milk Thistle - mainly its component silymarin that's in Liver Rescue - might prevent toxicity from acetaminophen. 20
  • Protects Against Dangerous Household Chemicals! Dangerous chemicals such as toluene and xylene are in everything from household cleaners to carpets. In a study of 49 chemical plant workers a special silymarin extract they took for just 30 days "significantly improved" the men's liver functioning 21 and protected cells against DNA damage.22

See for yourself how nourishing your liver with Liver Rescue might be your missing link for restoring the radiant good health you deserve—and the youthful, energetic body you want!

Sincerely yours for better health,

Victor Marchione, M.D.

Adults take two capsules of Bel Marra Liver Rescue daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. If seal around cap is broken, do not use.

Nutrition Facts / Valeur nutritive

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving
% Daily Value *
Milk Thistle Seed extract (providing 200mg silymarin) 250 mg
Alpha-Lipoic Acid 100 mg
Artichoke Leaf 10: 1 extract (providing equivalent to 1000mg) 100 mg
Choline (as choline bitartrate) 100 mg
N-Acetyl Cysteine 100 mg
Turmeric Root extract powder (95% curcuminoids) 50 mg
Dandelion Root 10: 1 extract (providing equivalent to 100mg) 10 mg
* Percent daily values are based on a 2000 calorie diet
† Daily Value not established
Note: Serving Sizes are rounded to the nearest whole serving

Additional Ingredients: Gelatin, cellulose, magnesium stearate, silica.

Bel Marra Liver Rescue Customer Reviews