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Does Vitamin D Help with Sleep?

does vitamin d help with sleep

Does vitamin D help with sleep? It's a question many Canadians ask as they seek natural ways to improve their rest.

Our research suggests that maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D may support better sleep quality and regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

In this article, we will delve into the relationship between vitamin D and sleep, exploring how this essential vitamin might influence your nightly rest. We'll also provide practical advice on how to increase your vitamin D levels for better sleep quality.

By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how vitamin D works, its effects on sleep, and the best practices for using it to support your health.

So, let's dive in and uncover the truth about vitamin D and sleep.

What this article covers:

How Does Vitamin D Work?

Vitamin D plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, particularly in maintaining bone health by aiding calcium absorption. However, its impact extends beyond bones.

According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, vitamin D acts as a hormone that can influence numerous processes, including immune function, muscle strength, and even mood regulation.

This versatility is why it's considered essential for overall well-being, not just for skeletal health.


does taking vitamin d at night affect sleep

Beyond its well-known role in bone health, vitamin D is also involved in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. This is because vitamin D receptors are present in parts of the brain that control sleep.

Adequate levels of vitamin D may help regulate sleep patterns, possibly by affecting the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep regulation.

Therefore, ensuring you have sufficient vitamin D could be a key factor in achieving better sleep quality.

How Does Vitamin D Affect Sleep?

Vitamin D significantly influences sleep quality by interacting with various biological processes, particularly in regulating the sleep-wake cycle.

Vitamin D affects the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep regulation.

When your body has adequate vitamin D levels, melatonin production can be better synchronised with your circadian rhythm, leading to more consistent and restful sleep.

Does Taking Vitamin D At Night Affect Sleep?

Taking vitamin D at night might not directly affect your sleep, but timing could play a role in how your body absorbs and utilises the vitamin.

Based on our research, we suggest taking vitamin D with a meal earlier in the day to optimise absorption and support your overall health, including your sleep patterns.

Does Sun Exposure Affect Circadian Rhythm?

Yes, sun exposure is a critical factor in regulating your circadian rhythm. Natural sunlight, especially in the morning, helps set your internal clock by boosting serotonin levels and enhancing melatonin production at night.

This is why getting enough sunlight during the day often leads to better sleep quality.

For Canadians, this means making the most of daylight hours, especially during the long winters, to maintain healthy vitamin D levels and support optimal sleep patterns.

vitamin d supplement

What Are the Health Effects of Low Vitamin D?

Low levels of vitamin D can have significant impacts on your health, particularly in areas like bone strength, immune function, and even mood.

According to UC Davis Health, a deficiency in vitamin D is linked to increased risks of osteoporosis, a higher likelihood of autoimmune diseases, and potential cardiovascular issues.

Additionally, low vitamin D levels can contribute to fatigue, depression, and poor sleep quality. Ensuring you maintain adequate vitamin D levels is crucial for overall health and well-being, including potential benefits of vitamin D for sleep.

Dietary Supplements

When it comes to boosting your vitamin D levels, dietary supplements offer a reliable and convenient solution, especially in a country like Canada where sunlight exposure is limited for much of the year.

At Vitamart, we provide a range of options tailored to your needs. Our vitamin D capsules are a popular choice for those looking to maintain their levels consistently.

If you prefer a more versatile option, consider our vitamin D sprays, which offer quick absorption and ease of use, particularly for those who may have difficulty swallowing pills.

For individuals looking to maximise their health benefits, our vitamin D plus K2 supplements are an excellent choice, also supporting vitamin d for testosterone production.

This combination supports not only bone health but also cardiovascular health, as vitamin K2 helps direct calcium to where it's needed in your body and away from areas where it could cause harm, like your arteries.

Foods Rich In Vitamin D

Aside from supplements, incorporating foods rich in vitamin D into your diet is another way to boost your levels.

Fatty fish like salmon, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks are excellent sources of vitamin D.

However, because few foods naturally contain high levels of vitamin D, supplementation is often necessary, especially in Canada where sunlight exposure can be limited, particularly during the winter months.

will vitamin d keep you awake

Will Vitamin D Keep You Awake?

Vitamin D is essential for many bodily functions, including sleep regulation. However, concerns that taking vitamin D might keep you awake are generally unfounded.

Vitamin D primarily influences sleep by helping regulate your circadian rhythm and melatonin production. This means that adequate levels of vitamin D actually support better sleep, rather than disrupting it.

Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with various sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, and poor sleep quality. Therefore, maintaining sufficient vitamin D levels is more likely to promote restful sleep rather than interfere with it.

If you're concerned about your sleep, it's important to address potential vitamin D deficiencies, which can be done through dietary supplements or increasing your intake of vitamin D-rich foods​.

When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamin D for Sleep?

Taking vitamin D at the right time can influence how effectively it supports your sleep. According to research, the optimal time to take vitamin D is in the morning.

This aligns with your body's natural production of vitamin D through sunlight exposure, which typically occurs during the daytime.

By taking vitamin D in the morning, you help synchronise your supplementation with your circadian rhythm, which may enhance its positive effects on sleep quality.

Additionally, based on our experience, taking vitamin D earlier in the day might prevent any potential interference with your body's nighttime melatonin production, the hormone responsible for promoting sleep.

For those in Canada, where sunlight exposure can be limited, especially in winter, morning supplementation with vitamin D sprays can be a convenient and effective way to maintain optimal levels.

This approach not only maximises the absorption of vitamin D but also supports a healthy sleep-wake cycle, ensuring that your body benefits from this essential nutrient throughout the day.

can too much vitamin d cause sleeplessness

How Much Vitamin D Should You Take for Sleep?

Determining the right amount of vitamin D for improving sleep depends on your current vitamin D levels, overall health, and any existing conditions.

For most adults, a daily intake of 600 to 800 IU of vitamin D is generally recommended to maintain healthy levels, particularly during pregnancy when vitamin D while pregnant supports both maternal and foetal health.

However, if you are addressing a deficiency or specific health concerns, higher doses may be necessary under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

It's important to remember that taking too much vitamin D can lead to health issues, including hypercalcemia, which can cause sleep disturbances and other problems. Therefore, it's essential to balance supplementation with monitoring your blood levels to ensure you're within a safe range.


Vitamin D plays a crucial role in supporting overall health, including sleep quality. From our experience, maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle and improve the quality of your rest.

It's important to consider the right dosage and timing when taking vitamin D supplements to maximise these benefits.

If you're in Canada, where sunlight exposure can be limited, supplements are effective options to ensure you maintain optimal levels year-round.

For a more personalised approach to vitamin D supplementation, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you're dealing with specific health conditions.

If you need to find the right supplement for your needs, consider browsing our extensive selection of vitamin D supplements at Vitamart.

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