6 Min Read

How Quickly Does Vitamin D Work for Fatigue?

how quickly does vitamin d work for fatigue

Are you feeling constantly tired and wondering “How quickly does vitamin D work for fatigue?” You're not alone. Many people struggle with low energy levels and exhaustion due to vitamin D deficiency.

To answer your question directly: It takes anywhere from a few weeks to months of taking vitamin D to recover from feelings of fatigue. This is generally dependent on individual factors and the severity of the deficiency.

At Vitamart, we provide the best vitamins for Canadians, free from unnecessary additives and many common allergens. We're here to help you navigate the world of vitamin D supplements and its effects on fatigue.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how long it takes for vitamin D to work on fatigue, the relationship between this condition and other vitamin D deficiency symptoms, ways to increase your vitamin D intake, and how long it takes to restore them to feel energised.

What this article covers:

How Long Does It Take for Vitamin D to Work on Fatigue?

As per our expertise, most people begin to notice improvements within a few weeks to a couple of months after taking vitamin D for fatigue.

The speed at which vitamin D works to counter feelings of exhaustion depends on several factors, including:

  • your initial vitamin D levels
  • your vitamin D dosage(s)
  • your body's ability to absorb the vitamin
  • your overall well-being and lifestyle

It's important to note that vitamin D isn't a quick fix for fatigue. While some people may feel a boost in energy within a few days of starting supplementation, it's still a gradual process for most.

The best time to take vitamin D supplements to improve your intake is typically in the morning with a meal containing some healthy fats, as this can help with absorption and improve your energy levels.

vitamin d work for fatigue

Vitamin D deficiency can manifest in various ways.

Drawing from our experience, persistent fatigue is a common hallmark of vitamin D deficiency.

You might find yourself feeling exhausted despite getting adequate sleep, or struggling to maintain energy levels throughout the day. This constant tiredness can significantly impact your daily life, making routine tasks feel overwhelming.

Let's look at some other common symptoms of low vitamin D quantities and how they potentially correlate with feelings of fatigue and tiredness.

Muscle Pain And Weakness

Deficiency can lead to unexplained muscle pain or weakness, particularly in the legs and arms.

You might notice difficulty in performing physical tasks that were once easy, or experience soreness without apparent cause.

This could be a direct result of physical fatigue due to vitamin D deficiency.

how quickly does vitamin d work for fatigue

Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain is often associated with low vitamin D levels.

If you're experiencing persistent discomfort in your lower back without an obvious reason (such as injury or strain), it can affect your mobility and quality of life.

This irregular tightening of your muscles exerts more energy, which can lead to increased physical tiredness and mental strain.

Frequent Illness

If you're continually catching colds, flu, or other infections more frequently than usual, it could indicate low vitamin D.

As a result, your body's ability to fight off pathogens may be compromised, leaving you more susceptible to illnesses as well as feeling more depressed and exhausted.


Our investigation demonstrated that there's a strong connection between vitamin D levels and mood regulation. As such, low vitamin D has been linked to an increased risk of depression and other mood disorders.

Your mental state can cause disinterest or an inability to accomplish simple tasks, resulting in feelings of inadequacy and manifesting as physical tiredness and exhaustion.

Weight Gain

Our research indicates that low vitamin D levels may be associated with weight gain or difficulty losing weight.

This could be due to vitamin D's role in regulating appetite and metabolism, which can be hindered by other conditions such as hyperthyroidism.

An inability to lose weight could make mobility more challenging, leading to feelings of fatigue and weakness.

how quickly does vitamin d work for fatigue

Ways to Increase Vitamin D Levels

If you're experiencing symptoms of vitamin D deficiency such as fatigue, there are several ways to boost your levels:

1. Diet

Certain foods can help with increasing your vitamin D intake.

For instance, fatty fish (like salmon and herrings), egg yolks, and fortified foods (such as some cereals and dairy products) are good dietary sources of vitamin D.

2. Sun Exposure

Your skin can produce vitamin D when coming into direct contact with sunlight. However, it's important to balance sun exposure with skin cancer protection.

That's why we suggest enjoying short periods of time in the sun (10-30 minutes for roughly three times a week) to help boost your vitamin D amount.

If you live in parts of Canada where sun exposure is minimal during certain parts of the year, taking vitamin D at night could be beneficial with promoting healthy sleep patterns and increasing your energy levels during the daytime.

3. Supplements

Vitamin D supplements are one of the most reliable ways to maintain adequate quantities for many people. This is especially true for those living in northern latitudes or with limited sun exposure like Canada.

From vitamin D sprays to vegan vitamin D3 supplements for people on plant-based diets, there's a wide range of high-quality products at your disposal.

how quickly does vitamin d work for fatigue

How Long Does It Take to Restore Vitamin D Levels?

The time it takes to restore vitamin D levels can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the deficiency and the dosage of supplements taken.

How long does vitamin D stay in the body? During what's called its ‘half-life', vitamin D often remains in your body for 2-3 weeks after its initial absorption and digestion.

Moreover, vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means that it can be stored in fat cells for several months in other cases, depending on your body's specific needs and overall health.

Based on our first-hand experience, most people can see a significant improvement in their vitamin D intake within 2-3 months of taking vitamin D capsules consistently. However, for those with severe deficiency, it may take 6-12 months to fully replenish their vitamin D stores.

It's important to work with a medical provider to determine the right amount for you and to monitor your intake over time to reduce your physical exhaustion.

Your doctor may recommend higher initial amounts (about 6,000-10,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for a short period) to quickly boost levels.

Afterwards, this will be followed by a lower maintenance dose till you achieve optimal vitamin D blood levels, which is usually between 30-50 nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL), and feel less tired.

Remember, the goal isn't just to reach normal quantities but to maintain them over time.

This often requires ongoing supplementation, especially for those with minimal sun exposure or dietary sources of vitamin D to aid with countering fatigue.

vegan vitamin d3


In this comprehensive guide, we discovered that answering the question "How quickly does vitamin D work for fatigue?" isn't straightforward.

It typically takes a few weeks to a couple of months to see improvements, but the timeline can vary based on your lifestyle and your vitamin D intake.

At Vitamart, we're committed to helping you achieve optimal well-being. So, why not take the next step in your wellness journey?

Visit us now to explore our range of high-quality, affordable vitamin D Canada supplementation options. Your path to increased energy and better health starts here!

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