6 Min Read

How to Take Vitamin D Correctly

how to take vitamin d correctly

Learning how to take vitamin D correctly can be done orally through supplementation and vitamin-D-rich foods.  

Alternatively, vitamin D injections can be used in cases of severe deficiency to quickly improve current levels, but can only be administered under strict medical supervision a few times a year.

In this article, we at Vitamart will explore the proper ways to take vitamin D, including dosage guidelines, optimal timing, and the best sources of this essential nutrient.   

We'll also discuss potential risks of excessive intake and how to combine vitamin D with other supplements for maximum efficacy.

Let's dive in!

What this article covers:

How Do You Take Vitamin D Correctly?

Our research indicates that the most efficient way to supplement with vitamin D is to take it with a meal containing healthy fats. This is because vitamin D is fat-soluble, meaning that it's better absorbed when consumed with dietary fats.

Opt for a vitamin D3 supplement (containing cholecalciferol) rather than D2 (which has ergocalciferol). Vitamin D3 is the form naturally produced by your skin when exposed to sunlight and is most effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D overall.

It's also crucial to consider the dosage form.

For instance, while vitamin D tablets and vitamin D capsules are common, liquid vitamin D drops for adults or vitamin D softgels may be easier for some people to swallow and can offer better absorption.

do you take vitamin d with food

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

Based on our first-hand experience, most adults require between 600-800 IU of vitamin D per day.

Here's a general guideline for daily vitamin D intake according to various ages.

Table: Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) For Vitamin D With Different Age Groups

Age Groups

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

Infants (0-12 Months)

  • 400 IU

Children (1-18 Years Old)

  • 400-600 IU

Pregnant And Breastfeeding Women

  • 400-600 IU

Adults (19-70 Years Old)

  • 600-1,000 IU

Adults (Over 70 Years Old)

  • 800-2,000 IU

With that said, some people may benefit from higher quantities, especially Canadians with limited sun exposure during the winter months, or those at risk of deficiency.

Always consult with your doctor first before significantly increasing your vitamin D quantities.

How Do I Know How Much Vitamin D I Should Take?

Through our practical knowledge, we've found that the best way to know how much vitamin D you should take is to get your blood levels tested.

This is known as a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test, which measures the amount of vitamin D in your blood.

Optimal vitamin D levels are generally between 30-50 nanograms per millilitre (ng/mL). If your levels fall below this range, your medical provider may recommend a higher dose of vitamin D supplementation.

Factors that might increase your need for vitamin D include:

  • limited sun exposure
  • darker skin tone
  • obesity
  • certain medical conditions (e.g., Crohn's disease or celiac disease)
  • age (older adults produce less vitamin D derived from sunlight)

Remember, it's always best to work with your doctor to determine the right quantity for you based on your individual needs and circumstances.

when is it best to take vitamin d

When Is the Best Time to Take Vitamin D?

The question of taking vitamin D in morning or night is a common one.

After putting it to the test, we've found that taking vitamin D in the morning is most beneficial as it mimics the natural production of vitamin D that occurs when your skin comes into direct contact with sunlight.

This timing may also regulate your circadian rhythm when sleeping and improve daytime alertness.

However, if you find that taking vitamin D early in the daytime causes stomach upset, it's perfectly fine to also take it later in the afternoon or evening with a meal.

The most important factor is consistency – taking your vitamin D supplement at the same time each day can ensure you don't forget and help you establish a consistent routine.

What Is the Best Way to Get Vitamin D?

Drawing from our experience, we've discovered that a combination of natural sources and supplementation often works best for maintaining optimal vitamin D amounts.

Here are some of the best ways to get vitamin D:

Sunlight Exposure

Your skin produces vitamin D when exposed to UV-B rays. Aim for 10-30 minutes of midday sunlight at least three times a week.

While sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D, it's critical to balance direct contact with sunlight and skin cancer prevention.

Always use sun protection (sunscreen, hat and appropriate clothing) when spending extended time outdoors.


Include vitamin D-rich foods in your diet, such as fatty fish (salmon, herrings, sardines, and tuna), egg yolks, and fortified products (milk, yoghurt, orange juice, cereals).


High-quality vitamin D supplements can ensure that you meet your daily needs. This is especially important during Canadian winter months or if you have limited sun exposure.

Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is a traditional remedy that's rich in both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

Some of its many benefits include:

  • relieving joint stiffness caused by arthritis
  • promoting a healthy heart
should vitamin d be taken with food

Is It Possible to Take Too Much Vitamin D?

While vitamin D is essential for your well-being, it's still possible to take too much.

Our investigation demonstrated that excessive vitamin D intake can lead to a condition called vitamin D toxicity or hypervitaminosis D.

This typically occurs from taking very high amounts of vitamin D supplements over an extended period.

Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity may include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • excessive thirst
  • frequent urination
  • kidney problems
  • confusion and disorientation

It's important to note that vitamin D toxicity is rare and typically occurs when taking extremely high doses (usually between 10,000-60,000 IU) for prolonged periods.

To avoid potential issues, always follow recommended dosages and consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you're already taking other medications.

vitamin d capsules

Should I Take Vitamin D at the Same Time as Other Vitamins?

Through our trial and error, we discovered that certain nutrients can enhance the absorption and efficacy of vitamin D, while others may interfere with its processes.

Here's what you need to know about vitamin D and its interactions with specific vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin K2: Taking vitamin D and K2 can be beneficial as they work synergistically to support bone health and calcium metabolism.
  • Magnesium: This mineral is crucial for vitamin D metabolism. Taking magnesium with vitamin D can help improve its effectiveness.
  • Calcium: While vitamin D helps with calcium absorption, it's generally recommended to take calcium supplements at a different time of day to avoid potential interference with absorption.
  • Iron: If you're taking iron supplements, it's best to separate them from your vitamin D intake by a few hours, as iron can interfere with vitamin D absorption.

Remember, while these guidelines can be helpful, everyone's needs are different.

If you're taking multiple supplements, it's always a good idea to first consult with your doctor to ensure you're getting the most benefit from your supplement regimen.

vitamin d softgels


In this article, we discovered that learning how to take vitamin D correctly involves understanding proper dosage, timing, and sources.

So, what are you waiting for?

Explore our range of high-quality, affordable vitamin D supplements at Vitamart now and take the first step towards a happier and healthier you.

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