6 Min Read

Is Vitamin D a Hormone?

is vitamin d a hormone

As you read up on the benefits of vitamin D supplementation, you might be wondering, “Is vitamin D a hormone?”

Through our practical knowledge, we know that vitamin D is indeed both a nutrient and a hormone. This is due to the fact that your body naturally synthesises and produces vitamin D after exposure to direct sunlight.

Vitamin D is then absorbed into your body through the skin. From there, it aids in cell growth, improving your immune system and conserving bone strength, to name a few benefits.

In this article, we at Vitamart will explore the fascinating relationship between vitamin D and hormones.

We'll do this by examining how it's synthesised and transported throughout the body, and discuss the best practices for Canadians wanting to maintain optimal vitamin D levels for their well being.

What this article covers:

Is Vitamin D a Vitamin or a Hormone?

Based on our first-hand experience, we know that while vitamin D is classified primarily as a nutrient, it also functions like a hormone in your body.

It does this through becoming its active form, known as calcitriol, after being synthesised in the skin or swallowed. As a result, vitamin D is able to promote overall bone health and immune system performance by controlling your calcium and phosphate quantities.

One of the most common questions we at Vitamart often encounter is "Is vitamin D water or fat soluble?" The answer is that it's fat-soluble, which means it's stored in your body's fatty tissues and can be accessed when needed.

This nutrient's inherent fat-solubility is further aided in this context by creating vitamin D supplements utilising organic fatty bases like olive oil, coconut oil and MCT oil.

vitamin d and hormones

These distinct characteristics make vitamin D unique, as it can be stored in your system for longer periods. This can help you conserve adequate amounts even when your exposure to sunlight is limited in colder regions.

Understanding this dual nature helps explain why vitamin D is so crucial for various bodily functions and why conserving proper quantities is essential for ultimate well being.

Concerning vitamin D and dementia, there are some interesting connections between vitamin D levels and neurological wellness. This nutrient also aids with maintaining cognitive function and the health of brain tissue, which can greatly help those suffering from dementia.

The Role of Vitamin D in Hormonal Balance

Vitamin D plays a critical role in stabilising your hormones.

Vitamin D And Synthesis In Humans

When sunlight hits your skin, a remarkable process begins.

The vitamin D synthesis process involves multiple steps, starting with the conversion of sunlight 7-dehydrocholesterol (extracted from UVB rays) to previtamin D3. From there, this version of vitamin D3 undergoes further transformations to become the active form of vitamin D that your body can use.

This process is particularly important for Canadians, as our northern latitude means we have minimal sun exposure for several months out of the year.

vitamin d hormone

Vitamin D And Thyroid Hormone

The relationship between vitamin D and thyroid function is complex and interconnected due to the presence of vitamin D receptors in thyroid tissue.

Our investigation demonstrated that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to thyroid disorders, highlighting the significance of maintaining proper amounts for overall hormonal balance.

For example, vitamin D deficiency has been mostly commonly linked to Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease which occurs when your body creates antibodies which attack cells in the thyroid.

As a result, it may exacerbate thyroid dysfunction through inflammation and scarring of the gland. In this instance, vitamin D supplementation has been shown to lower these antibodies and improve thyroid health over time.

That's why preserving adequate vitamin D levels is crucial for bolstering immune regulation and thyroid function, which affects everything from your metabolism to your mood.

Vitamin D And Male Hormones

Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in testosterone production and male reproductive health, with particular reference to managing testosterone deficiency.

Low vitamin D levels have been associated with reduced testosterone production, which may negatively impact:

  • energy
  • libido
  • muscle strength

In this context, supplementation or adequate sun exposure has been shown to support normal quantities of testosterone, potentially improving overall hormonal balance for male hormonal wellness and physical vitality.

Sources of Vitamin D Hormones and Biodistribution

Based on our observations, vitamin D is obtained from sunlight, certain foods, and supplements, then processed by the liver and kidneys to support calcium stability and your overall well being.

Let's take a closer look at endogenous and exogenous hormone synthesis which occurs with vitamin D.

vitamin d and hormones

Endogenous Vitamin D Hormone Synthesis, Transport, And Activation

Vitamin D synthesis begins in your skin when ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun transform 7-dehydrocholesterol into vitamin D3 (known as cholecalciferol).

This compound is then transported to the liver, where it's hydroxylated or converted into 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), the primary circulating form.

In the kidneys, 25(OH)D undergoes another hydroxylation to become 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D). This is the active hormone which is responsible for regulating calcium and bone metabolism.

The transport of these molecules involves vitamin D binding proteins, which ensures efficient circulation and biodistribution throughout the body​.

Exogenous Vitamin D Hormone Sources And Delivery

Vitamin D can also be obtained through dietary sources like fatty fish (salmon, tuna), fish liver oils, egg yolks, mushrooms, and fortified foods such as milk and cereals.

For Canadians living with limited sun exposure or dietary intake, vitamin D and vitamin D3 (as well as D2) are effective ways to boost your quantities.

We've found from using this product that vitamin D3, commonly found in supplements and fortified foods, is more potent and efficient at raising blood levels of 25(OH)D in comparison with vitamin D2.

The key is finding the best vitamin D sources (natural and supplementation) to maintain adequate vitamin D levels throughout the year.

vitamin d softgels

Best Practices for Vitamin D Hormone Assessment and Supplementation

Preserving optimal vitamin D levels requires a thoughtful approach, especially for Canadians.

Regular assessment with a 25-hydroxyvitamin D test is vital, particularly during winter months when natural synthesis through sunlight is minimal.

The right amount varies by person in this regard; with that said, most people may benefit from utilising a vitamin D supplement during the darker and colder months.

The following factors play important roles in determining individual vitamin D needs:

  • age
  • skin tone
  • diet
  • lifestyle

When it comes to vitamin D softgels vs tablets, we recommend trying vitamin D softgels as they're easier to swallow and absorb into your body in contrast with traditional tablets.

This increased absorption is achieved in the manufacturing process by combining vitamin D with fatty oils such as olive oil, coconut oil or MCT oil, creating softgels that can be ingested seamlessly.


In this article, we revealed that vitamin D is indeed both a hormone and a vitamin, playing complex and critical roles in preserving your overall well being.

Understanding this essential nutrient's dual nature can help you appreciate why maintaining optimal amounts is so crucial for us Canadians.

At Vitamart, we're committed to helping you achieve healthy vitamin D levels with our premium supplements.

So, what are you waiting for? Explore our carefully selected range of vitamin D supplements, designed to meet your unique needs at affordable prices.

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