6 Min Read

Vitamin D Pregnancy

vitamin d pregnancy

Vitamin D plays a crucial role during pregnancy, supporting both maternal health and the baby's development. It's essential for bone health, immune function, and cellular division, which are all critical during pregnancy.

But what is the right amount to take, and how does it affect your baby?

This article will cover all of the vitamin D pregnancy information you need, including why vitamin D is necessary, what causes deficiency, and how much you should be taking during pregnancy, with specific recommendations for Canadians based on expert research.

What this article covers:

What Contributes to Vitamin D Deficiency?

Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy is quite common and can be influenced by various factors.

Understanding what contributes to this deficiency is essential for ensuring that both you and your baby maintain optimal health.

Here are some of the primary reasons:

Lack Of Sunlight Exposure

One of the major causes of vitamin D deficiency is insufficient exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is synthesised in the skin when exposed to UV rays.

However, in countries like Canada, where winters are long and the sun is not as strong for most of the year, it can be difficult to get enough sunlight.

Additionally, using sunscreen or covering up with clothing to prevent skin cancer can further reduce your body's ability to produce vitamin D naturally.

According to the La Leche League International, individuals living north of the 35th parallel, which includes much of Canada, may struggle to get enough sun exposure year-round, making supplementation crucial during pregnancy​.

vitamin d fertility

Diet And Nutrient Absorption

Another contributor is dietary intake. While vitamin D is present in some foods like fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified products, it's hard to get enough from diet alone.

This becomes even more problematic if you have certain medical conditions, such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease, which impair the body's ability to absorb vitamin D from both food and supplements.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, conditions that affect the gut, like inflammatory bowel disease, can significantly reduce vitamin D absorption, making it harder for pregnant women to reach optimal levels​.

Skin Pigmentation And Age

Melanin, the pigment responsible for skin colour, also impacts how much vitamin D your body can produce from sunlight.

Darker-skinned individuals may need up to four times more sun exposure than those with lighter skin to produce the same amount of vitamin D.

Older adults, including those over 65, are also at a higher risk due to reduced skin efficiency in synthesising vitamin D.

By recognising these contributing factors, it becomes clear why many pregnant women need to supplement vitamin D, particularly in a country like Canada.

vitamin d supplements

Why Do You Need Vitamin D During Pregnancy?

Vitamin D plays a critical role during pregnancy for both the mother and the baby. It helps in the absorption of calcium, which is essential for building the baby's bones, teeth, and nervous system.

Low levels of vitamin D can increase the risk of pregnancy complications such as preterm birth, infections, and even preeclampsia, a condition characterised by high blood pressure and damage to other organ systems​.

Additionally, there are numerous benefits of vitamin D for overall health during pregnancy, including support for immunity and bone development.

For the baby, vitamin D is crucial to ensure proper skeletal development. If a pregnant woman is deficient, her baby could be at risk of developing rickets, a condition that leads to weakened bones.

Without enough vitamin D, the body cannot properly absorb calcium and phosphorus, two minerals essential for healthy bone development​.

This is why we highly recommend ensuring sufficient intake of vitamin D during pregnancy, especially in countries like Canada, where long winters limit sun exposure.

How Much Vitamin D Should You Take During Pregnancy?

The amount of vitamin D required during pregnancy is essential to ensure both your health and that of your baby.

According to Tommy's, pregnant women should take a daily supplement of 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D.

This dosage helps to maintain sufficient vitamin D levels throughout pregnancy, supporting healthy bone development for the baby and preventing complications like rickets​.

how much vitamin d during pregnancy

Will You Need A Higher Dose Of Vitamin D During Pregnancy?

You might wonder if a higher dose of vitamin D is necessary. In general, most women do not need to exceed the recommended 400 IU per day unless a deficiency is identified.

According to March of Dimes, some women who are at a higher risk of deficiency—such as those with darker skin, limited sun exposure, or a BMI over 30—may need a higher dosage. Higher doses of vitamin D might also help regulate hormones, as there's a link between vitamin D and estrogen levels.

However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before increasing your intake, as taking too much vitamin D (over 4,000 IU daily) can lead to adverse effects​.

Should You Take Vitamin D Before Pregnancy?

We highly recommend that you take vitamin D before pregnancy, especially if you're planning to conceive. Vitamin D supports the body's ability to absorb calcium, which is essential for bone health and overall development for both you and your future baby.

According to the Mayo Clinic, starting prenatal vitamins early, which often include vitamin D, can help prepare your body for the demands of pregnancy, particularly in the development of your baby's neural tube, which occurs in the early weeks of pregnancy​.

In fact, vitamin D is crucial even before conception because it helps ensure that your calcium levels are adequate to support foetal growth right from the start.

Our recommendation is to begin taking prenatal vitamins, which contain vitamin D, at least one month before trying to get pregnant. This ensures your body has sufficient stores, and you'll continue to benefit from its protective effects throughout pregnancy​.

You can explore our wide range of vitamin D capsules, vitamin D sprays, or even vitamin D plus K2 options to meet your needs seamlessly before and during pregnancy.

vitamin d and fertility


Vitamin D plays a vital role in pregnancy, supporting both maternal health and foetal development. It's essential for calcium absorption, which strengthens bones, supports immune function, and ensures proper cell division.

Without sufficient vitamin D, both the mother and baby may face issues such as weak bones, low birth weight, and other complications.

Ensuring you get enough vitamin D, whether through supplements like vitamin D capsules, vitamin D sprays, or vitamin D plus K2, is a simple way to safeguard your health and your baby's growth during pregnancy.

Furthermore, vitamin D energy support, vitamin D for weight loss, and its effects on vitamin D and sleep can be additional benefits to maintaining adequate levels throughout pregnancy.

For the best prenatal care, consult your healthcare provider about the appropriate dosage and start supplementing early to ensure optimal outcomes.

Find your perfect supplement at Vitamart and make health simple, starting today.

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